클라이언트: Enigma Marketing Pte Ltd
양식: 보고서
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언어: 영어
날짜: 31.01.2025

CyberRisk Validation Report: Palo Alto Networks

Advanced Cloud Firewalls (ACFW) protect the infrastructure that organizations depend on. These firewalls serve as a virtual shield. ACFWs use a proactive approach and are designed to simplify security.

SecureIQLab conducted testing for 12 leading enterprise-class ACFW solutions. This test was conducted in accordance with the Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization (AMTSO) test Standard. The maps to version v1.6 of the SecureIQLab Advanced Cloud Firewall CyberRisk Validation Methodology, AMTSO Test ID: AMTSO-LS1-TP070. It is the most comprehensive evaluation of its kind ever performed.

As part of this test, SecureIQLab completed testing Palo Alto Networks VM-Series Virtual Next-Generation Firewall. This report discusses the test results for the Palo Alto Networks PAYG VM-Series Virtual NextGen Firewall with Advanced Security Subs, 24x7 Support' AMI in AWS, PAN-OS version 11.0.2-h2, and includes validation of the following security modules and components: Advanced Threat Prevention (Vulnerability Protection, Anti-Spyware, Antivirus/ML-AV) and Advanced URL Filtering with inline cloud analysis features, Wildfire, and DNS Security.

This report offers empirical data points on what to expect from the Palo Alto Networks VM-Series Virtual Next-Generation Firewall, highlighting features and business considerations. SecureIQLab’s testing showcases the overall organizational value of the Palo Alto Networks VM-Series Virtual Next-Generation Firewall in security effectiveness and operational efficiency.

In writing this report, SecureIQLab has made extensive efforts to guarantee the accuracy of the results while straightforwardly presenting them. However, the test results are necessarily simplified to be presented for review in a summary format. 
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