클라이언트: AuditBoard, Inc.
양식: 이북
크기: 926KB
언어: 영어
날짜: 19.03.2025

Defend Against Cyber Supply Chain Risk in an Interconnected World

A poorly defended supply chain presents massive potential for negative business consequences, including business or customer service disruptions, network outages, data and IP theft, reputational damage, financial losses, legal issues, regulatory noncompliance, client and customer losses, and more. In addition, every organization has limited risk resources, risks keep growing — and risk management capacity isn’t keeping pace, creating a fast-growing risk exposure gap.

Today, data is as abundant as gold and plutonium are scarce, but the value potential is on par. But you must handle your data as if it were as rare and dangerous as plutonium. Protecting your data by strengthening key controls around cyber supply chain security is vital not only for protecting value and keeping it from falling into the wrong hands, but also for realizing and creating value.

In AuditBoard’s newest eBook, Defending Against Cyber Supply Chain Risk in an Interconnected World, you’ll discover:
  • Key trends in supply chain risk management, including the most common challenges and emerging threats.
  • Must-know fundamentals for combatting cyber supply chain risk and best practices to implement in your organization.
  • The promise and threat of data, including how to protect your valuable data effectively
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  • B2B Media Group GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, 91245 Simmelsdorf (B2B MG)


  • AuditBoard, Inc.
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