Klien: Dun & Bradstreet
Format: Buku Putih
Ukuran: 17,8 MB
Bahasa: Inggris
Tanggal: 20.03.2018
The Finance Mountaineer's View of the Enterprise Risk Landscape
The modern, interconnected business world demands a modern vision of what risk means.
Finance leaders must reckon with risk. And what this means today is very different from what it meant even a year ago. We know that risk is not what it once was—a manageable series of responses based largely on a limited set of possibilities predicated on the past. We also know that the risk of today is future-oriented, dynamic, global, real-time—as full of the nebulous and strange as a science fiction novel. It has the potential to reap windfalls for corporate growth or deliver stunting reputational blows to brands in milliseconds. So, how then should the modern enterprise look at risk?