Blueprint to Continuous Delivery with Automic Release Automation
Automic proposes a four-stage blueprint to Continuous Delivery to assist enterprises at any stage of their DevOps journey. This plan can take a company of any maturity level all the way up to enterprise-scale Continuous Delivery using a combination of Automic Release Automation, Automic’s 20+ years of business automation experience, and the proven tools and practices the company is already leveraging.
As the only vendor that automates within the toolchain (steps one and two), and across the toolchain (steps three and four), Automic is in a unique position to help enterprises at every stage of their progression. Automic’s tool-agnostic, cross-platform and multi- stack technology means development teams can continue using the tools they are most comfortable with, while DevOps teams can collaboratively build automated, production- ready deployment processes that make operations comfortable.
Automic offers a DevOps Maturity Assessment that shows on which of the four steps an organization sits, and compares its current state to that of its competitors, its industry and its competition globally. Using the assessment findings will give companies a blueprint to guide them up to the next level as quickly and safely as possible on the road to enterprise agility.