العميل: Fortinet UK Limited
الصيغة: مستند تعريفي
الحجم: 1.61 MB
اللغة: الإنجليزية
التاريخ: 20.05.2020

Securing the Cloud with Fortinet: 5 Key Areas Where Architects Must Augment Cloud-native Security Tools

Corporate DevOps teams are leading the way to the cloud, but many are overlooking the full security implications of the move. If they simply accept the security offerings of their cloud platform, they are likely to leave gaps that attackers can exploit to steal data or infiltrate other areas of the corporate network. There are at least five security areas that security architects need to ensure they have covered when building and managing security in the cloud.

Fortinet offers a critical layer of security that integrates with the broader security architecture. It includes solutions for cloud platform security management, native integration of purpose-built security into the cloud platform, as well as a web application and application programming interface (API) protection. It also provides integrations that help DevOps teams to automate security tasks in their cloud environments. All these help organizations achieve a consistent security posture and an effective security life-cycle management operational model — and without recruiting dedicated security staff or investing development staff time in training on new tools.

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  • B2B Media Group GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, 91245 Simmelsdorf (B2B MG)


  • Fortinet UK Limited
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