Accelerate Digital Transformation With Enterprise Apps on the Cloud
Many enterprises began their cloud journeys by migrating customer-facing applications and adopting cloud-native applications. This approach makes sense since the first workloads moved to the cloud were those that could more easily be deployed. However, these applications are only a fraction of the total run by enterprises. In fact, only 20 percent of all workloads have moved to the cloud. Complete digital transformation requires organizations to enter the second phase of cloud adoption—enabling and integrating cloud-native front-office and back-office applications, such as enterprise resource planning systems, in hybrid multicoloured environments.
By bringing a hybrid cloud operating model to mission-critical applications, your enterprise can more effectively mine customer, supply chain, sales and marketing data to deliver new applications and services to customers, employees and partners. Multicloud environments can optimize your applications and provide you with the ability to match the right workloads to the right cloud providers. However, multi-cloud environments can be complex and require additional skills and resources to deploy and manage. IT leaders need to understand the risks and benefits of adopting a multi-cloud strategy for enterprise applications.