Klient: Treasure Data
Formát: Report
Velikost: 837,2 KB
Jazyk: Angličtina
Datum: 13.05.2022

Customer Data Platform Industry in EMEA

Customer Data Platforms are specialized software to assemble, unify, and share customer data. Europe is home to 60 of the 155 CDP vendors that the CDP Institute has identified.

CDPs are becoming more mainstream. The CDP industry entered a new stage of maturity in second half of 2021, with few new entrants but strong growth among established industry leaders. Heavy fund-raising among the leaders foreshadows aggressive expansion as those firms battle to become clear industry leaders and to compete with products from enterprise software vendors including Adobe, Salesforce, and Oracle. We believe the EMEA market will continue to grow as still more companies in Europe and Africa become more aware of CDP capabilities.

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  • Treasure Data
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