Weathering the Cloud Talent Drought: A new model for sourcing cloud services
As the cloud talent drought shows no sign of ending soon, embracing external, third-party support from managed service providers (MSPs) to bridge remaining skills gaps and mitigate their impact should be considered.
Simply being “in the cloud” is no longer enough. Gain access to a dedicated team of engineers and architects to guide you as you navigate the cloud. Rackspace Elastic Engineering (REE) gives you on-demand access to a team of highly skilled experts called – a pod, that works alongside your team to collaboratively drive your cloud outcomes while continuously evolving your environment.
It's time to hit top gear! Take a Platform Health Assessment with a 3-month REE commitment & get the first month of Rackspace Elastic Engineering free.*
Leave your details here and our experts will get in touch with you shortly!
*Conditions Apply