클라이언트: VMware UK Limited
양식: 백서
크기: 2.23MB
언어: 영어
날짜: 28.11.2022

SASE-Ready WAN Edge for the Work from Anywhere Era

Enterprise networks are on the verge of a major tipping point, driven by the shift from employees working at a corporate office to working from anywhere. Enterprises are quickly realizing that legacy network and security architectures are inadequate. They must evolve toward a unified networking and security service that increases scalability, agility, and security in a user and application environment that is now highly distributed.

This paper from Dell’Oro Group discusses the key drivers behind the work from anywhere trend and why traditional wide area network (WAN) and virtual private network (VPN) approaches no longer work. Dell’Oro describes the requirements to consider as they shift towards cloud-based networking and security. They propose that two technologies, SD-WAN and cloud-based secure web gateway (SWG), are merging to satisfy the new requirements and are the basis of a new solution called secure access service edge (SASE).

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