클라이언트: Iron Mountain
양식: 보고서
크기: 958KB
언어: 영어
날짜: 30.08.2023

Resilience reimagined: Are organisations ready to face the next unknown?

The world is seeing increasing volatility arising from developments such as climate change, pandemics, geopolitical shifts and accelerating technological innovation. In the face of these disruptors, risk management tools and systems are falling short, and a new paradigm is emerging. Executive leaders must approach risk differently and consider its impact across the organisation. Today, they’re looking at organisational resilience as the ability to survive and prosper in the face of sudden disruptions and incremental change. Enabling this requires a suite of capabilities that should be in place before disruption strikes. These include having the capacity to diligently scan the horizon, anticipate coming shocks, and put measures in place to minimise the impact. This is essential to reorient the organisation for success in an impacted, evolving environment.

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  • Iron Mountain
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