Ügyfél: Avnet Business Services GmbH
Formátum: Tanulmány
Méret: 3 MB
Nyelv: Angol
Dátum: 15.09.2023


Connectivity is now truly ubiquitous. All verticals, without exception, are converging on a future where productivity becomes universally data driven. The devices that will enable these intelligent and connected endpoints will be hugely diverse in their design but share many common features. This combination of uniformity and uniqueness is both an opportunity and a challenge for OEMs looking to leverage the massive IoT.

Learn how to move from proof-of-concept to as-a-service IoT deployment with IoTConnect on AWS. This whitepaper has the answer!

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  • B2B Media Group GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, 91245 Simmelsdorf (B2B MG)


  • Avnet Business Services GmbH
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