Klient: Google UK Ltd
Formát: Správa
Rozsah: 436,4 KB
Jazyk: Slovenčina
Dátum: 03.01.2024

Modern retail at the edge Directions for 2023 and beyond

Edge computing is emerging as a powerful way to catapult retail enterprises to the next level of digital engagement.

Shifting business models and customer expectations are driving modern retailers to accelerate their digital transformation. Why? Because modern retailers are noticing the need for flexible tools that support agility, enrich knowledge, and reduce risk across public and private environments.

But how will retailers obtain new insights and deliver better digital experiences to their customers? Google Cloud partnered with Omdia on a joint study to understand how retail enterprises plan to use edge computing.

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  • B2B Media Group GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, 91245 Simmelsdorf (B2B MG)


  • Google UK Ltd
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