Клієнт: Tata Communications (UK) Ltd
Формат: Проєктний документ
Розміри: 938,1 кБ
Мова: English
Дата: 05.03.2018

Transforming Enterprise IT in the Digital World

Digital transformation is becoming pervasive, impacting businesses across regions and industries. Businesses are being reinvented. Digitally fit organizations need to revamp their IT platforms to enable innovation as business transformation is a multifaceted mission requiring "business to run as usual" while supporting digital initiatives. By 2020, IDC predicts spending on 3rd Platform technologies and solutions, which include social, mobility, cloud, and analytics, will influence 80% of the IT budget.

Hybrid IT will rule the enterprise IT architecture in the near future. Considering the gap in skill set within enterprises and the need for consultancy services in this journey, systems integrators/service providers will play a key role. Organizations interested in having a hybrid IT environment managed by a single provider, with a single management, monitoring, and orchestration framework, might want to look at providers with a hosting and colocation heritage that are upskilling to provide these capabilities.

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  • Tata Communications (UK) Ltd
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