Illuminating Insight for Unstructured Data at Scale
Data is a critical corporate asset and the value of data is tied to how it is ultimately used. Today's digital world is data-driven. Business decisions and strategy are driven by insights from analyzing data. The nature of business is transforming to deliver higher value and the key to this is to make the underlying IT infrastructure seamless. Data management systems provide specialized features for the ingestion, cataloging, transformation, rights management, retrieval, and resource optimization of data.
Large data repositories are critical for garnering insights for business development through analytics. However, the data repositories can only be tapped for the wealth of insights if the data is classified and tagged appropriately to enable search and query. In the absence of metadata — classification and tagging — datasets can be rendered unusable for business development purposes.
Organizations have come to terms with the rate of unstructured data growth and recognize they are largely unable to derive value from their vast data repositories. The problem is amplified when data sits in silos as different data types across storage deployment locations (traditional and private/public cloud). The market needs data management tools that will simplify the ETL (extract-transform-load) processes to support three main areas: governance, analytics and storage optimization. IBM Spectrum Discover is a new data management product in the market that is set to address these needs and support any organization’s goal of solidifying their business roadmap.
This IDC white paper evaluates the need for a data management solution in the market today and highlights IBM Spectrum Discover, a new offering designed to manage unstructured file- and object- based data that is part of the IBM Spectrum Storage portfolio.