Cliente: Dell Corporation Limited
Formato: Documento técnico
Tamanho: 700 KB
Língua: Inglês
Data: 09.02.2021

The New Remote Work Era: Trends in the Distributed Workforce

Distributed work, accelerated.

Thanks to improvements in digital workspace technology over the past several years, distributed workforces with all their benefits became an increasingly viable option for businesses. But despite the promise of cost savings, business agility, and employee flexibility, leadership inertia and fears thwarted most widespread attempts at this paradigm shift. Would employees stay on task outside a physical office space? Would company culture survive? As we’ve come to see, these fears while understandable were unwarranted.

With an accelerated cross-industry shift to remote work, poised to materialize, the clouds parted to reveal new opportunities, but had been stymied by the status quo.

Companies that were previously lagging behind in terms of remote work and digital experience were able to make swift gains, putting them within the sights of the competition. And improvements in productivity, employee satisfaction, recruitment, and cost savings make it unlikely that businesses will ever return to a fully location-based model.

Dell Technologies and Intel®

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Date: 1.8.2018


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  • Dell Corporation Limited
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