Klient: VMware UK Limited
Formát: Stručný přehled řešení
Velikost: 595,0 KB
Jazyk: Angličtina
Datum: 09.06.2021

Modern Apps on VMware Cloud Foundation – A Brief Introduction to VMware Cloud Foundation with Tanzu

The rise of modern apps brings new challenges. When enterprises build, deploy, and manage modern apps, many of them default to the use of containers, Kubernetes, and microservices architectures. However, those modernized components must often work with existing noncontainerized applications and stateful workloads like databases.

In addition, when IT operators struggle to deliver the benefits of the cloud model, app teams seek more agile infrastructure in the public cloud, leading to the use of multiple clouds across on- and off premises with drastically different infrastructure and operations. Managing such heterogeneity while adhering to enterprise policies is a complex task for both IT operators and developers.

VMware Cloud Foundation with Tanzu provides a ubiquitous hybrid cloud platform for both traditional enterprise apps and modern apps, based on a proven and comprehensive software-defined stack for compute, storage, network security, Kubernetes management, and cloud management. Download this solution brief to learn how to modernize data centers and deploy modern apps with VMware Cloud Foundation with Tanzu.

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Date: 1.8.2018


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  • VMware UK Limited
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