Kunde: Amazon Web Services Ltd
Format: Hvidbog
Størrelse: 6,59 MB
Sprog: Engelsk
Dato: 04.04.2022

Managing the data process for machine learning

In this e-book, we provide insights and practical guides for the core part of machining learning practice - data processing. We start out by providing a deeper understanding of machine learning data such as data acquisition, data quality and data sizing, followed by the relevant data management and processing services AWS offers along with the successful customers’ case- studies in leveraging these services for managing their machine learning data.

We hope the e-book lays the foundation for the machine learning data process and paves the way for you to continue the success in your machine learning practices in the subsequent stages.

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  • B2B Media Group GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, 91245 Simmelsdorf (B2B MG)


  • Amazon Web Services Ltd
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