Wie Sie Ihre Kunden mit Zero Trust Network Access schützen. Die Jahre 2020 und 2021 haben die Digitalisierung weit nach vorn gebracht. Remote Arbeiten ist mit über 67% auch im Mittelstand fast S...
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Moderne Arbeitsweisen und veränderte Patientenbedürfnisse erfordern ein Umdenken im Gesundheitswesen. Die Digitalisierung eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten, um diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen. Eine ...
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The proliferation of WiFi mesh networks—and multiple access points in the home—drives the need for better in-home network management. Communications Services Providers (CSPs) are considering new te...
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Für Unternehmen mit mehreren Standorten sind Energieverbräuche eine Black Box. Die Stromzähler werden einmal im Jahr abgelesen und die Energiekosten für das gesamte Jahr abgerechnet. Ob Standorte, ...
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Described as the most severe economic crisis since World War II, the COVID-19 pandemic affected almost every industry in all parts of the world. While Communications Service Providers (CSPs) felt r...
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As cloud computing becomes central to the IT service-delivery model, organizations are becoming more adept in understanding their cloud needs and how to get the most out of their investments. In ad...
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Engineers are working with increasingly larger and more complex models during the design process. Working with a model of a complete airplane, for example, has always been a challenge, but model si...
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In modern times, change is the only constant. The design engineering, architecture, and manufacturing industries are all seeing paradigm shifts in how products and structures are being developed an...
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With the release of SOLIDWORKS 2020, users now have access to enhanced graphics performance, as well as improvements in drawings, assemblies, and simulations. To run the software effectively, your ...
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Faster GPUs and real-time raytracing are making it easier for engineers to enable visualization throughout the design process. Last winter, Luxion released KeyShot 9, the latest version of its C...
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