Das Corona-Virus versetzt unsere Welt in einen Ausnahmezustand. Wir sollen Sozialkontakte meiden und am besten in den eigenen vier Wänden arbeiten. Viele Firmen haben daher für ihre Mitarbeiter Hom...
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PIM-Systeme verwalten alle erdenklichen Produktdaten zentral und erlauben deren Verteilung auf verschiedene Kanäle, sei es das Webshop-System, Smartphone-App, ein Tablet am Point of Sale oder die S...
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In vielen Unternehmen fristen Netzwerke seit Jahren ein Schattendasein hinter prominenteren Infrastrukturthemen wie den neuesten Prozessoren, GPUs, All Flash Arrays, Cloud Computing und anderen. Al...
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Giving employees the flexibility to be fully productive while working remotely makes it critical that businesses have endpoint security measures in place to prevent, detect and respond to the growi...
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Die digitale Transformation – der Prozess der Anwendung innovativer digitaler Strategien zur Verbesserung des Betriebs und Entwicklung neuer Services – stellt Unternehmen vor eine Vielzahl von Hera...
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Since working from home became the new normal, work has become something one does rather than someplace one goes. Business leaders realize that employees require secure access to applications and d...
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Research on data in the cloud shows that only 9.4% of cloud data is encrypted. If that data is exposed to the Internet or otherwise leaked, the organization has little to no means of recalling or d...
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Even healthy budgets need someone to watch over them. In fact, that’s the only way to keep them healthy. And when cash flow is slow or otherwise uncertain, spend control is more critical than ever....
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In recent years, cyberattacks and cybercrime have become the most serious threats that organizations face. Industries ranging from banking to healthcare, and organizations of all sizes from schools...
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One of the challenges of developing a comprehensive business continuity strategy is the need to plan for what you can’t imagine. A year ago, not many people would have felt the need to plan for a v...
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