This eBook introduces a framework for assessing maturity related to multi-cloud use. As multi-cloud use is tightly coupled with application modernization strategies, the scope of the framework also...
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Möchten Sie Ihr eigenes Unternehmen gründen, wissen aber nicht wie?
Wenn Sie ein praxisorientierter Unternehmer mit Leidenschaft und Führungsqualität sind, ist dies die perfekte Gelegenheit für ...
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Die TR-Resiscan oder ausgeschrieben „die Technische Richtlinie Ersetzendes Scannen“, ist eine Empfehlung des Bundesamts für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI). Diese legt fest, unter welch...
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As more and more organisations make the move to Microsoft 365, the software giant is pitching the platform as a way to consolidate security, compliance and e-discovery. It promises advanced threat ...
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Organisations are moving to the cloud and must support an increasingly remote and distributed workforce. For many, Microsoft 365 is a whole new way of doing business—one that requires a whole new a...
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Reduktion von Systementwicklungskosten
Mehrkörpersimulation (MKS) und Finite-Elemente-Methode (FEM) sind seit Jahren etablierte Methoden in unzähligen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten in de...
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Concur® Detect by Oversight analyses all expense transactions to show patterns of behaviour to highlight fraud and minimise high-risk spend.
Concur Detect by Oversight enhances your expense audi...
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As your business continues to adopt strategies to build resilience, gain momentum, and stay ahead of the competition,it’s also important to hit pause to assess your processes and make sure your org...
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Dermalogica had time-consuming manual, paper-based expense, invoice and travel processes that were causing frustration for people across the business. Working with SAP® Concur® and travel managemen...
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VAT is an increasingly important source of revenue for governments. Over 160 countries have a form of VAT in place and as VAT grows as a source of revenue for governments, so does the complexity of...
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