IT leaders desperately need to innovate their infrastructure and operations practices to remain competitive in the age of the customer. While public cloud offers benefits of speed and scale, leader...
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Eine Scale-out-Infrastruktur ist eine neue Lösung, die dabei hilft, diesen Herausforderungen gerecht zu werden. Sie bietet eine einheitliche Plattform für gemeinsam genutzte Computing- und Speich...
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Die Cloud hat für unsere IT-Infrastrukturen Vorteile gebracht. Mit Flexibilität, Skalierbarkeit sowie Belastbarkeit und Verfügbarkeit hat die Cloud höhere Erwartungen an IT-Services geweckt. Al...
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In this 72‐page book, we explain what makes HPE Synergy tick. After reading this book, you’ll know what comprises an HPE Synergy environment, how it all fits together, and how it integrates with yo...
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Erinnern Sie sich noch? Übergroße Plakatwände vor Firmengebäuden, Hauptbahnhöfen und Flughäfen gehörten einmal zu den effektivsten B2B-Werbemaßnahmen! Das waren die Orte, wo man die Zielgruppe – Bu...
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Introducing Dell's Wyse 5070 – the most versatile, scalable and capable thin client ever positioned for the mid-range – setting the new standard for price/performance. The performance scalability o...
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Over the last five years, thin client technology has transformed. See how the new generation of Dell's Wyse thin clients can power your organization – through reduced costs, improved security, simp...
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See Dell's Jeff McNaught, VP of Marketing & Chief Strategy Officer for Cloud Client Computing at Dell Corporation, talk about a new generation of Wyse thin client – the Dell Wyse 5070.
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Experience the possibilities of the new Wyse 5070 thin client by Dell. Learn how thin client technology helps to deal with growing cyber threats, increasing cost of energy and many more challenges ...
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This Global Supply Chain Risk Report is a joint publication by Cranfield School of Management and Dun & Bradstreet. Experts from Cranfield’s Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management hav...
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