One of the most common problems for enterprise security teams is how to respond effectively to the sheer volume of alarms they face every day. With so much noise, it can be hard for personnel to fi...
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In recent years, ransomware has grown very quickly from relative obscurity to become one of the greatest cybersecurity risks facing organisations today. Ransomware is not a new type of threat: it’...
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When it comes to detecting and responding to threats, many organisations focus their efforts on potential breaches from external sources. The truth is, an organisation’s largest security threat oft...
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88% of global C-level executives and IT decision makers believe companies incorporate AI because it’s trendy, but most don’t actually know how to use it. It may not always be obvious that data sets...
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TASC (Total Administrative Services Corporation) is the largest independent provider of third-party employee benefit administrative services in the United States. With 19 innovative service offerin...
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Applications and services are made up of more components and integrations today than they were just a few years ago. Coupled with a much more competitive business world, this complexity has changed...
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Automic proposes a four-stage blueprint to Continuous Delivery to assist enterprises at any stage of their DevOps journey. This plan can take a company of any maturity level all the way up to enter...
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This eBook contains five articles that explain how DevOps was formed and propose what the future holds for this now essential app building methodology: 1. A History of DevOps 2. ARA: The Means ...
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Was wäre, wenn eine Eingangsrechnungsverarbeitung günstiger wäre als viele denken und eine Einführung einfacher, als vermutet? Warum nicht mit der digitalen Eingangsrechnungsverarbeitung starte...
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Für viele Unternehmen stehen die Flexibilisierung und Agilität der IT-Infrastruktur ganz oben im Pflichtenheft. Immer mehr Geschäftsprozesse erfolgen online und in Echtzeit. Die klassische IT-Servi...
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