Wir alle konsumieren täglich Lebensmittel und gehen dabei wie selbstverständlich davon aus, dass die Produzenten uns als Konsumenten frische und bekömmliche Ware anbieten. Hinter dem uneingeschränk...
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Only 2 % of all first-time website visits lead directly to a sale. All other visitors browse the site but leave without making a transaction – which poses a challenge for classic B2B marketing. ...
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The Relay™ communications hub lets you modify and improve your print communications as well as getting you ready for sending digital communications. Minimise disruption by working seamlessly with y...
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With Mailstream On Demand we can deliver your mail and let you get back to the things you do best. Let’s face it, ‘mail’ is not your core business. You do a great job, but you’d rather spend the ti...
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In an age of increased customer privacy concerns and compliance regulations, file-based processing technology not only helps ensure your important mail gets to the right customer, it also enables y...
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Staying on top of transactional and information-based communications is becoming increasingly important for small and medium-sized organisations. It’s a practice that enables them to meet complianc...
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Digital transformation is about harnessing the potential of technology to achieve real organisational benefits. Whether the aim is to transform the entire organisation or just one department, a dig...
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Data breaches are hitting the news almost every day. And regulators are handing out record fines for non-compliance. In the print industry, the stakes are especially high– an inaccurate billing run...
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This ebook is the first part of a series designed to help you address this challenge: How to future proof your internal and external communications and build a smart, efficient and compliant commun...
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Among many things, operational excellence requires organisations to identify the key challenges they face and how they’re going to go about tackling them. It’s not easy. Some organisations don’t kn...
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