As an organisation, your ability to move fast and adapt to changing circumstances is key to success. Those who can roll with the punches can adapt to market trends and take advantage of new ways of...
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Information is the lifeblood of most businesses today. That’s why data, analytics and artificial intelligence have become an essential part of the digital transformation discussion. Or, in other wo...
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While most tech companies and startups today run in the cloud, many have yet to realize all the benefits of doing so. If you’re in the cloud but not on Kubernetes, you’re probably leveraging propri...
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Ever wondered what it’s like to launch a new business? Then you’ve come to the right place. Starting up smart is a Sifted Intelligence report sponsored by Google Cloud that goes directly to founder...
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Choosing a cloud provider is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make as a startup. As a young company, time is of the essence, and you want a cloud partner that can help get your idea from th...
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As the cloud talent drought shows no sign of ending soon, embracing external, third-party support from managed service providers (MSPs) to bridge remaining skills gaps and mitigate their impact sho...
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Le rôle de l'informatique dans l'entreprise a changé. Alors que les services informatiques étaient traditionnellement considérés comme des centres de coûts, ils sont désormais perçus comme de vérit...
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This report documents ESG’s validation of Dell PowerStoreOS v2.1 with a focus on software-only updates. ESG reviewed how PowerStoreOS v2.1 can help organizations future-proof data infrastructure wi...
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L'ampleur et le volume des cyberattaques ne cessant d'augmenter, les environnements applicatifs se dispersent, ce qui accroît le risque d'exposition des entreprises à ces attaques. Par conséquent, ...
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As the scale and volume of cyberattacks continues to rise, application environments become more dispersed, which increases businesses’ risk of exposure to these attacks. As a result, cyber resilien...
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