How has the COVID-19 pandemic and the necessity of the distributed, anywhere workforce shifted the future of work? Forrester Consulting conducted a survey, commissioned by VMware, to global future-...
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Every organization is now defined by the digital services it delivers. From engaging customers with new experiences to building new revenue opportunities, and driving digital-first touchpoints that...
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Les bouleversements de 2020 auront un impact à long terme sur notre façon de travailler. Ils ont créé une opportunité pour chaque organisation de trouver une meilleure façon de travailler, une qui ...
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The upheavals of 2020 will have a long-term impact on the way we work. They’ve created an opportunity for every organization to find a better way of working— one that combines the best of what was ...
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Slack a chargé Forrester Consulting de conduire une étude de l’impact économique global (Total Economic ImpactTM, TEI) afin d’examiner le retour sur investissement (ROI) potentiel que les entrepris...
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Slack commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic ImpactTM (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realise by deploying Slack for sales te...
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L’année 2020 a connu de nombreux bouleversements, qui vont changer nos méthodes de travail à long terme. Pour chaque entreprise, ces événements sont l’occasion de repenser l’organisation du tra...
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The upheavals of 2020 will have a long-term impact on the way we work. They’ve created an opportunity for every organisation to embrace better ways of working—approaches that combine the best of...
Voir le livre électronique
Slack a chargé Forrester Consulting de conduire une étude de l’impact économique global (Total Economic ImpactTM, TEI) afin d’examiner le retour sur investissement (ROI) potentiel que les entrepris...
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Slack commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic ImpactTM (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realise by deploying Slack for their se...
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