Many enterprises use travel and expense (T&E) management solutions to streamline employee spend management and accelerate payments. However, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies requ...
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Cloud enables innovation and empowers transformation. Wether born in the cloud or moving to the cloud, cloud is more than just technology, its a business enabler. Cloud can provide businesses with ...
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The composition of cloud-native applications is a mix of APIs, containers, VMs, and serverless functions continuously integrated and delivered. Securing these applications, the underlying infrastru...
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Today’s organizations rely heavily on cloud applications in order to be at the forefront of digital innovations, and to keep their users connected and their businesses thriving. Cloud innovations h...
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The digital world is transforming rapidly, and the future belongs to leaders who equip their teams and operations to thrive in any location. Remote and hybrid working environments have become stand...
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Technology has made it possible for the world to maintain a somewhat business-as-usual stance, even when world-changing events occur. The technological solutions that enable modern scenarios such a...
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Within just a few months, work landscapes around the world changed drastically, moving face-to-face interactions online and the office back home. This shift has required rethinking the way employee...
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With vehicle electrification at the brink of mass market adoption, consumers are looking for convenient vehicles that offer the same functionality as their combustion engine cars of today. NXP help...
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Resource scarcity, climate change and growing energy demands accentuate the need for sustainable mobility choices worldwide. The answer lies in low- and zero-carbon electromobility concepts that ar...
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