Best practices in network access stipulate a zero-trust access (ZTA) approach. CISOs looking to implement ZTA will find numerous technologies designed to meet the requirements of the National Insti...
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In just a few short months, disruptive forces have altered the way we work and live. Offices and shops were forced to shut temporarily with little warning. Not all businesses were prepared to trans...
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Offrir des capacités d’apprentissage à distance sécurisées, fiables et conviviales, c’est donner aux élèves, aux professeurs et aux parents les moyens d’initier la transformation IT et de bénéficie...
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In this ever-changing world, and through the rise of remote working, a good employee experience (EX) can come from many places. But Forrester’s research shows that the hallmark of a good employee e...
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Lorsqu’une cybermenace se propage de façon exponentielle pendant une année et continue à prendre de l’ampleur l’année suivante, toutes les organisations doivent faire attention. C’est exactement ce...
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Les entreprises vivent actuellement des moments mouvementés. Elles sont donc plus exposées que jamais à des cyberattaques via ransomwares. La tendance aux transformations numériques, le passage rap...
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Plus de 187 millions d’attaques par ransomware ont eu lieu en 2019. Cela représente plus de 500 000 offensives menées chaque jour à l’encontre d’entreprises. Si vous n’en avez pas encore été victim...
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For corporate IT departments and executives, the opportunity to deliver valuable digital services and data resources to internal business users and external customers has never been greater. Mob...
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Because your IT department is stretched so thin, the chance of missing certain vulnerabilities goes up. Your team often has to react quickly when cyberattacks and other business-threatening events ...
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New devices, platforms, applications, and technologies connecting to the network are overwhelming IT’s ability to manage devices and software across the enterprise environment. The crisis has come ...
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