Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are a compelling choice for hardware acceleration on the edge especially when adding newer capabilities for machine learning inference. Specialized neural net...
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Read 'The 8 Digital Transformation Trends Shaping Business in 2022' for: • Examples and statistics on the eight digital transformation and consumer trends • How to acquire customers faster, del...
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The year 2020 witnessed a massive digital migration. People did almost everything online – purchasing goods and services, consulting with healthcare professionals, arranging for meal deliveries, di...
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Read this buyer's guide to understand how best to evaluate CIAM providers by learning: • CIAM critical capabilities required to meet digital transformation and consumer trends in 2022 • Why leg...
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The ForgeRock Customer Identity and Access Management solution helps organizations achieve their digital transformation and business growth goals by helping them acquire customers faster, deliver g...
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In 2020, disruptive forces pushed employees to learn how to work remotely. Research from last year revealed that shifting to a home office had a tremendous impact on employees as they grappled with...
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Pour offrir aux collaborateurs la flexibilité nécessaire pour être pleinement productifs, les entreprises doivent appliquer des mesures de sécurité sur les points de terminaison pour prévenir et dé...
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Du jour au lendemain ou presque, l’immense majorité des organisations du monde entier ont dû réorganiser leurs effectifs autour du télétravail. Les départements IT se sont retrouvés submergés par l...
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Over the last several decades, technology has slowly shaped our world into one our grandparents wouldn’t recognize. Some of that change has been about the gadgets in our homes and in our pockets. M...
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This Technical Review documents ESG’s audit of testing performed with Dell EMC PowerScale for Multi-Cloud, a part of the Multi-Cloud Data Services for Dell EMC PowerScale, enabled by Faction, a mul...
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