Today, it is increasingly important to enable your employees to work remotely. Working remotely gives employees flexibility while making them even more productive, which in turn keeps them engaged ...
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Les mesures de confinement adoptées début 2020 ont obligé la majorité des collaborateurs à travailler depuis chez eux, non sans difficultés pour se connecter et rester productifs pendant les mois q...
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The shelter-in-place mandates put in place earlier in 2020 sent most employees home, and for the next few months they strived to stay connected and productive, while IT teams scrambled to provide i...
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While the companies within the Dell family have offered the option to consume individual products via pay for use or managed services for years, the company recently launched Dell Technologies On D...
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The modern enterprise lives in a multi-cloud world, where delivery of infrastructure resources and IT services is expected in real-time. Infrastructure and operations teams must, in turn, respond t...
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Public cloud adoption is a reality for most enterprises: 65% of North American enterprises have adopted the use of public cloud and it is the preferred deployment for many applications. Today, orga...
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How IT adapts in times of change: When global events caused companies to make a rapid pivot to remote work, IT had no choice but to act fast. No matter where they were on the path to digital tra...
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Les entreprises vont continuer à exploiter leurs investissements dans les Data Centers, mais nombre d’entre elles recherchent également les avantages uniques qu’offre le Cloud public, que les envi...
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L’infrastructure Cloud est en passe de devenir le premier environnement de déploiement pour une majorité des charges de travail. Dans le cadre de l’extension des environnements de Data Center on...
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Cloud infrastructure is becoming the primary deployment environment for a majority of workloads. As organizations extend on-premises data center environments to the public cloud, there are sever...
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