Les menaces en circulation sont toujours plus innovantes, augmentant en volume et en ténacité. En 2016, 53 % des professionnels de la cybersécurité ont signalé une augmentation du nombre d'att...
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Ermewa Interservices est l'un des principaux fournisseurs européens de services de location industriels de wagons et de conteneurs-citernes. L'entreprise conçoit, optimise et gère les biens stra...
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Plus d'un million de personnes se fient aux publications de La Sentinelle pour s'informer chaque semaine. L'entreprise publie plus de 30 titres papier et sites en ligne, ainsi que des livres spéci...
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What options do companies have to respond to, remediate, and mitigate against breaches and being hit by compliance fines? SMEs need protecting more than ever. The volume and viciousness of cyber...
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Business challenge Boosting productivity by minimizing threats Healthcare organizations are the most targeted by cyberattackers. For Southern Cross Care, defending systems across 31 residenti...
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Enterprises, beware. Threat actors are continuing to eye businesses for high returns on investment in Q1 2019, breaching infrastructure, exfiltrating or holding data hostage, and abusing weak crede...
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Business profile ROFF is an award-winning global consultancy, providing comprehensive consulting, support, training, and custom solutions for the SAP platform. More than 1,000 consultants work i...
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Business profile Entrust Datacard is a leading provider of trusted identity and secure transaction technology solutions for financial, corporate, government, education, healthcare, retail, trans...
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The threat landscape continues to innovate with increased volume and tenacity. In 2016, 53% of cybersecurity professionals reported an increase in attacks, and in 2017, 80% believe it is likely or ...
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When F5 started its journey to understand the importance of application services with the context of emerging technologies, the DevOps movement was just beginning to trickle into the broader enterp...
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