The digital era is changing the way that organizations think about, protect, and monetize data. Now more than ever they are pushing to be digitally-driven, and to achieve this they must be data-dri...
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Today’s IT organizations are facing a new reality: Every part of the digital ecosystem is connected, it’s all vital to the success of the business—and they’re responsible for it. To do that, IT ...
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Les départements informatiques d’aujourd’hui sont confrontés à une nouvelle réalité : en effet, toutes les composantes de l’écosystème numérique sont interconnectées et indispensables à l...
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Security solutions devoted to chasing and detecting threats are only marginally effective when the attack surface remains so large; there are simply too many ways for a threat to compromise an appl...
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Les solutions de sécurité visant uniquement à traquer et à détecter les menaces ne sont que peu efficaces tant que la surface d’attaque reste aussi large ; les menaces disposent tout simplemen...
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The growing importance of apps has created new challenges for IT. Traditional methods of securing the data center perimeter are no longer adequate to secure apps and data that are constantly in mot...
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L’importance croissante des applications a créé de nouveaux défis pour les départements informatiques. Les méthodes traditionnelles de sécurisation du périmètre des Data Centers ne convienn...
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According to the Taneja Group, more than 65 percent of enterprises surveyed are running at least some business-critical workloads in a public cloud; it’s no longer a matter of if or even when an or...
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Selon une étude de Taneja Group, plus de 65 % des entreprises interrogées exécutent au minimum certaines charges de travail stratégiques dans un Cloud public; la question n’est plus de savoir s...
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The network is a crucial part of daily IT operations—yet many teams are still spending more time managing complexity than innovating. In a traditional hardware-first approach, application security ...
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