Forrester Consulting a effectué une étude Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) afin d'offrir aux lecteurs un cadre pour évaluer l'impact financier potentiel que leurs entreprises peuvent réaliser grâce aux...
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Alors que des sociétés de tous types et tailles luttent pour survivre et prospérer sur des marchés hautement concurrentiels, l'augmentation de la productivité des employés peut fournir un avantage ...
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With increasing digitalization and mobility, the realms of work-live and play continue to converge. The concept of work and how it is done is also changing, creating the discussion around the Futur...
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Today’s organisations must have IT solutions that can handle both current and emerging workloads. The modular design of PowerEdge MX — powered by Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors — meets that deman...
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Too often, enterprises try to master IT transformation via piecemeal efforts rather than holistically. To succeed, they need to transform and optimize IT by modernizing server infrastructure, autom...
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Organizations today are facing significant challenges as they adopt the latest technologies to power business success. With major shifts from physical to virtual to cloud having occurred in the pas...
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Security professionals, business decision makers, boards of directors, regulators and others are increasingly concerned about cybersecurity issues and the potential for major business disruptions l...
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Les organisations actuelles doivent posséder des solutions IT capables de traiter les charges applicatives en cours et émergentes. La conception modulaire de PowerEdge MX, optimisée par les proc...
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Trop souvent, les entreprises tentent de maîtriser la transformation de l’IT en disséminant leurs efforts au lieu de considérer les choses dans leur globalité. Pour garantir leur réussite, les...
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Muy a menudo, las empresas intentan dominar la transformación de la TI mediante esfuerzos graduales en vez de hacerlo de manera integral. Para tener éxito, las organizaciones necesitan transforma...
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