DevOps is a culture, movement, or practice that emphasizes the collaboration and communication between software developers and IT operations professionals, while automating and accelerating the pro...
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This infographic shows the key activities that drive modern IT operations: - IT Service Strategy & Design - IT Service Transition - IT Service Operations - IT Service Improvement
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In today’s digitally disrupted world, slow is the new down. The average consumer spends over 10 hours a day using digital services, with an expectation of 100% uptime. Any unexpected service disrup...
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Our internal incident response documentation is something we’ve built up over the last few years as we’ve learned from our mistakes. It details the best practices of our process, from how to prepar...
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Our internal incident response documentation is something we’ve built up over the last few years as we’ve learned from our mistakes. It details the best practices of our process, from how to prepar...
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Nearly half of enterprises have already begun adopting DevOps, and most of the remainder have plans to do so. If your organization doesn’t make the shift to DevOps, it risks being disrupted by othe...
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If you’re an IT manager, you know the power of good data. It’s the lifeblood of complex systems. The question is, how deeply does your data influence your decisions? In this whitepaper, we argue th...
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Customers are more technically savvy than ever and have come to prefer the DIY approach to solving their issues and answering their own questions. Years of research by ICMI has confirmed that custo...
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Your door is always open, regardless of your business or support hours. Today’s customers ask questions at any time of the day or night and will wait for you to respond (but not for long). This pos...
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The start of a new chapter of your business, whether you're moving upmarket or adding products and features, is a great time to scale your customer service operations in a smart way. We know custom...
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