Conducting regular data security audits is a key component of an organisation’s security posture. Not only do they help companies understand how well they are protecting their data, they also verif...
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Like most industries, healthcare is becoming increasingly digitised. Safeguarding patient data has become crucially important for healthcare organisations worldwide.As practising medicine transitio...
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When you’ve always run your SAP workloads in your on-premises data centre, it might be tempting to keep on doing what you’ve always done, particularly if your IT team has little experience of the c...
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It’s no secret that changes in the business environment over the past year have accelerated the need for digital business transformation across industries and enterprise functions. The shift to rem...
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With the continuous advancement of modern technology, the ways in which people work, play, interact, and socialize, are changing rapidly. The students of today will graduate into a world that is go...
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As networks become increasingly complex and cyber threats continue to evolve, firewalls have become more critical than ever for organizations of all sizes. However, managing them can be a complex a...
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Cloud migration and digital transformation have become commonplace for many modern enterprises today. The cloud is essential for accelerating growth, improving efficiency and remaining competitive,...
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With cloud adoption soaring, enterprises are now looking beyond the low-hanging fruits of cost and efficiency. To focus on the real benefits of the cloud—innovation and modernization - enterprises ...
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Digital businesses rely on applications, and these apps need to be able to be deployed quickly and at scale to meet increasing market needs. However, while cloud-native apps meet these needs and ha...
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Cloud migration and digital transformation have become commonplace for many modern enterprises today. The cloud is essential for accelerating growth, improving efficiency and remaining competitive,...
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