Cybercriminals are constantly refining their tactics and making their attacks more complicated and difficult to detect. In this in-depth report, Barracuda researchers share their insights on the mo...
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El ransomware y cómo está evolucionando. En pocas palabras, el Ransomware es software malintencionado que cifra sus datos o le impide acceder a sus propios sistemas. Después, los delincuentes ex...
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Ransomware and how it’s evolving. In simple terms, ransomware is malicious software that either encrypts your data or otherwise stops you from accessing your own systems. the criminals then dema...
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las aplicaciones son la base del funcionamiento de los negocios digitales y del modo en que estos interactúan con sus clientes y usuarios finales. con el cambio al teletrabajo que se produjo en 202...
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Applications are the building blocks of how digital businesses work and how they engage with their end users and customers. The move to remote work in 2020 intensified the importance of web apps, a...
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Work patterns have changed forever. Nearly 98 per cent of remote employees say they would like to work remotely, at least some of the time, for the rest of their careers. Flexible working needs to ...
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Quirónsalud is the leading hospital group in Europe and largest in Spain, where it operates more than 150 world-renowned centers that provide comprehensive patient care backed by innovative technol...
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As an HR or finance decision-maker in a global company, you can scarcely have avoided the drive towards HR digital transformation over recent years. Whether your role is central or regional, you’re...
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ADP’s The Potential of Payroll is a study into the performance, resilience, and strategic contribution of payroll in today’s global business landscape, and how global payroll teams, systems, and pr...
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A direct consequence of all this transformation is businesses of all sizes – companies like yours – finding it difficult to keep pace with how quickly payroll and HR functions are evolving. It’s be...
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