90% of cloud runs on Linux. So, is it any wonder that malware is propagating in multi-cloud environments under the radar? Current countermeasures are focused on addressing Windows-based threats, le...
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Organizations can no longer rely on edge firewalls alone to provide network security. Once attackers get past an edge firewall, they can move laterally to high-value assets. This book illustrates h...
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The ability to “do from anywhere” is creating new opportunity for businesses – if they can overcome the technical challenges.
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La resiliencia cibernética es un requisito esencial para cualquier empresa. Dado que las empresas se enfrentan a mayores probabilidades de ataques debido a que los usuarios trabajan desde cualquier...
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El ritmo de la transformación digital es más rápido que nunca y no hay nada que sienta el impacto de ese cambio más que los lugares de trabajo. Para los empleados, el trabajo ya no se trata solo de...
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Prácticamente de la noche a la mañana, casi todas las empresas del mundo tuvieron que movilizar a su fuerza laboral para operar de manera remota. Esto puso una presión incalculable en los departame...
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En la era de la transformación digital (la evolución hacia modelos de negocios más centrados en los datos), las organizaciones de tecnología de la información (TI) de todos los tamaños tienen el de...
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It seems that every few months, another prominent global brand experiences a major security breach and the negative public exposure causes major damage to their reputation. It’s enough to keep busi...
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If asked to select a word to describe the experience of the past two years, a large proportion of business leaders would undoubtedly go for ‘disrupted’. But, as initially temporary remote working p...
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The last two years have seen IT rise to the challenge of rapidly supporting new ways of working and collaborating, both in-office and remotely. Forward-looking organizations are rethinking how they...
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