Your business performance is the lifeblood of your organization. And to capitalize on the future, you need to have a solid grip on the present.
To advance your integration strategy, you can use...
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¿Es su estrategia corporativa lo suficientemente ágil como para aprovechar todo el potencial de la automatización basada en AI?
IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation es un conjunto de software l...
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Is your corporate strategy nimble enough to realize the full potential of AI-powered automation?
IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation is a set of market-leading software designed to help you solv...
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El 76% de los líderes empresariales consideran que la complejidad del entorno de TI es el mayor obstáculo para la productividad de los equipos de operaciones de TI.
El entorno empresarial en con...
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76% of business leaders believe that the complexity of the IT landscape is the biggest barrier to productivity among IT operations teams.
The constantly changing business environment requires a ne...
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Un compromiso con el crecimiento requiere de un compromiso con la mejora continua. Y a medida que evalúa cómo gestiona los sistemas y protocolos que tiene implantados para gestionar los gastos, es ...
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A medida que su negocio sigue adoptando estrategias para desarrollar resiliencia, ganar impulso y mantenerse por delante de la competencia, también es importante hacer una pausa para evaluar sus pr...
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IT, along with finance, procurement and supply chain managers play a critical role in helping the business to manage their company spend. This is because:
• More buying decisions are being made ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating consumer preference for mobile and online banking. In April 2020 alone, there was a 200% jump in new mobile banking registrations worldwide, and an 85% rise in...
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The Fortinet Security Fabric offers retail banks a broad, integrated, and automated platform to securely innovate and embrace new digital services. Fortinet’s integrated architecture of industry-le...
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