More and more, CFOs are going on the record stating their goal is to facilitate sales and uncover new revenue opportunities, not simply to serve as Keeper of the Purse Strings. The strategic use o...
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Credit decisioning requires a deep understanding of the various types of credit scores and analytics, and how they work together to provide a complete picture of a company’s likelihood to pay its b...
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To learn more, we gathered views from 200 CFOs and financial directors from across British enterprise, exploring everything from the roles they perform to the issues that cause them concern. The...
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The modern, interconnected business world demands a modern vision of what risk means. Finance leaders must reckon with risk. And what this means today is very different from what it meant even a...
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Although we’re already deeply embedded in the age of the customer, the pace of technologic advancement and customer empowerment continues to disrupt today’s business models. Throughout it all, ther...
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Los clientes de Dell EMC entrevistados informan que aprovechan las soluciones de infraestructura hiperconvergente de Dell EMC para satisfacer las exigencias del equipo de negocio de innovación y r...
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Las bases de datos suelen ser la fuerza impulsora detrás de las tareas de misión crítica de un negocio. Son la base de las tiendas en línea, los registros confidenciales y los sistemas de admin...
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En este documento, la decisión a favor de los dispositivos hiperconvergentes y, concretamente, el EMC VCE VxRail, se toma desde la perspectiva tanto de los costes como de los esfuerzos cuantificab...
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Los sistemas de infraestructura hiperconvergente (HCI) agrupan varios componentes de la tecnología en sistemas en sistemas individuales, lo que permite a los departamentos de TI dedicar menos tiem...
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La infraestructura hiperconvergente se está convirtiendo en una opción de arquitectura popular, en especial entre los negocios que consolidan la infraestructura como parte de una estrategia de TI...
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