Today’s enterprises have a lot going on. And the result is that organizations are more exposed to cyberattacks like ransomware than ever. Ongoing digital transformation, the quick switch from offic...
הצג תדריך הפתרונות
When a cyber threat grows in magnitude by 35 times in one year, and continues to become even more prevalent the next, every organization should pay attention. This is exactly what happened with ran...
הצג נייר עמדה
There were over 187 million ransomware attacks in 2019. That’s over 500,000 attacks on businesses every single day. If you have not yet been a victim of a ransomware attack, the odds are that it is...
הצג רשימת-בדיקה
Across industries, data continues to grow as an extremely valuable resource. This is especially true in the financial services sector. “Financial services” is a broad term that encompasses commerci...
הצג נייר עמדה
CIOs and IT leaders everywhere must guide their organizations through this change while enabling their businesses to thrive in the new digital economy — one that has complex channels and new busine...
הצג נייר עמדה
To unlock the value of their data, organizations around the world are turning to data analytics, data lakes and databases for data collection, management, analysis and insight. In this paper, we hi...
הצג נייר עמדה
Servers are the backbone of modern IT infrastructure. They support the computational requirements of the entire application portfolio of an enterprise organization. However, their life span is fini...
הצג נייר עמדה
Le Supply Chain sono sempre state e saranno sempre estremamente complesse. Non importa quanto un’azienda faccia per semplificare, ridurre, tagliare gli sprechi e snellire le procedure, la complessi...
הצג נייר עמדה
Even before digital transformation (DX) efforts began ramping at unprecedented rates as a result of the global pandemic, data was the currency of the internet economy and therefore a highly valuabl...
הצג נייר עמדה
The goal of ESG Technical Validations is to educate IT professionals about information technology solutions for companies of all types and sizes. ESG Technical Validations are not meant to replace ...
הצג נייר עמדה