Finding sustainable – and economical – storage solutions for the long term is a challenge. On premise solutions increase CAPEX exposure and depend on an IT workforce to manage the architecture. But...
הצג נייר עמדה
Traditional network topologies used the Hub and Spoke model where the branch offices used to be connected to a central location or regional hub locations over VPN and internet breakouts were restri...
הצג תדריך הפתרונות
This solution brief looks at the challenges reported by enterprises in using Office 365, and explores how Tata Communications’ IZO™ cloud enablement suite can help organisations meet them. By getti...
הצג תדריך הפתרונות
This ebook highlights all of the likely concerns you have about moving your contact center to the cloud. As you read through the pages, you’ll learn that when you work with Tata Communications, you...
הצג ספר אלקטרוני
Bayer Business Services, the Bayer Group’s global competence center for IT and business services, was looking for a way to reduce costs while maintaining the quality of its mission- critical SAP in...
הצג נייר עמדה
In a world where agility and digital transformation are key business objectives, optimizing IT has become a top priority. IT optimization is an important mandate—a question of when, not if. Accordi...
הצג נייר עמדה
Get started quickly on your hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) application with help from NI’s extensive library of training courses. At NI, we pride ourselves on being first to measurement and first to au...
הצג נייר עמדה
The rapid pace of technology is bringing about changing test requirements that modern hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) test systems must be flexible and customizable enough to meet. Embedded software tes...
הצג נייר עמדה
VeriStand is a software tool that provides a framework for real-time testing applications such as embedded software validation and real-time control and monitoring of mechanical test cell applicati...
הצג נייר עמדה
You can test embedded control systems more efficiently with the powerful method of hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation. Safety, availability, or cost considerations can make it impractical to per...
הצג נייר עמדה