The problem isn’t malware — it’s adversaries. To stop these adversaries, security teams must understand how they operate. In the 2023 Threat Hunting Report, CrowdStrike’s Counter Adversary Operatio...
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In this era of global instability and accelerated digital transformation, organizations face many challenges. One of them is the need for robust cybersecurity systems and processes to securely and ...
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Wie können Sie als Lebensmittelhändler Ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit sichern? In dieser Zeit des Wandels, der sich insbesondere beim Verhalten und bei den Konsumgewohnheiten der Verbraucher bemerkbar m...
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Over the past year, both cybercriminal and state-sponsored threat actors have maintained high levels of activity, meaning that the threat level to businesses remains as elevated as ever. Ransomware...
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By 2025, 60% of organizations will be actively using remote threat disruption and containment capabilities of Managed Detection and Response (MDR) solutions a steep climb from 30% of organizations ...
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Managed detection and response (MDR) solutions remain very popular, and with good reason, considering the ongoing activity by cyber threat actors. The global shortage of cybersecurity personnel is ...
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It’s an unfortunate fact that cybersecurity attacks never take a break. The volume of malicious activity from a global network of threat actors means that 24/7 monitoring is mandatory for cybersecu...
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Technology was once an enabler to work. A relatively simple tool to help us work smarter, communicate faster and collaborate more easily. Over time, however, the technology that once freed us from ...
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With growth, prosperity and digitisation have come new cyber risks and vulnerabilities for the rapidly developing continent of Africa. The massive increase in smartphone penetration, online bankin...
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One of the greatest business challenges of our time is how to find, engage and keep top talent. Retention of high potentials and high performers is inextricably linked to organisational success and...
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