Choosing a cloud provider is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make as a startup. As a young company, time is of the essence, and you want a cloud partner that can help get your idea from th...
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As the cloud talent drought shows no sign of ending soon, embracing external, third-party support from managed service providers (MSPs) to bridge remaining skills gaps and mitigate their impact sho...
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Il ruolo dell'IT nel business ècambiato. In passato le organizzazioni IT erano perlopiùconsiderate dei centri di costo, mentre ora sono percepite come entitàin grado di generare entrate. Questo cam...
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This report documents ESG’s validation of Dell PowerStoreOS v2.1 with a focus on software-only updates. ESG reviewed how PowerStoreOS v2.1 can help organizations future-proof data infrastructure wi...
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La portata e il volume degli attacchi informatici continuano a crescere, mentre gli ambienti delle applicazioni diventano più distribuiti. Ciò aumenta il rischio di esposizione delle aziende a ques...
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As the scale and volume of cyberattacks continues to rise, application environments become more dispersed, which increases businesses’ risk of exposure to these attacks. As a result, cyber resilien...
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Die Methode des Process Minings ermöglicht Ihnen umfangreiche Prozessanalysen. Sie erkennen die Schwachstellen und Optimierungs-potenziale in Ihren Prozessen und können auf dieser Basis Veränder...
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Nur wer seine KundInnen begeistert, kann langfristig am Markt bestehen. Der “Ultimative Leitfaden für Customer Journey Mapping” deckt genau ab, wie Customer Journey Mapping einen kombinierten Fokus...
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Alle Organisation sind sich stetig verändernden Marktbedingungen unterworfen. Je flexibler und agiler man sich diesen anpasst, je resilienter man als Unternehmen ist, desto mehr Wettbewerbsvorteile...
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Organisationen aller Branchen streben nach einem wichtigen Ziel: Operational Excellence. Sie versprechen sich davon effizientere Prozesse, bessere Zusammenarbeit und ein durchweg positives Kundener...
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