Are you providing your customers with the technology that can help solve their current and future problems? In this report, we share some of the most interesting findings of Ultimo’s EAM Trend R...
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Abbiamo chiesto a 700 senior travel managers in 12 paesi EMEA quale fosse l'impatto del COVID-19 sui viaggi aziendali e sulle iniziative di sostenibilità. Scorri verso il basso per vedere cosa h...
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La sostenibilità dei viaggi non è un argomento nuovo. I travel manager, i viaggiatori e le persone lungimiranti dell’organizzazione ne parlano da anni. Ma ora che i dipendenti e gli azionisti ne ve...
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La riduzione al minimo dell’impatto ambientale di un’organizzazione non è solo una questione di responsabilità: si tratta infatti di essere efficienti e garantirne la riuscita, perché una buona ges...
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Con la crescita della consapevolezza dei problemi legati alla sostenibilità, molte organizzazioni hanno effettuato ulteriori passi per controllare e gestire il proprio impatto ambientale. Datori di...
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The design world is an increasingly physical place. Where objects were once drawn they now flow, bounce and burst. Edges that used to be flat now have crunch, squidge and sheen. As the gap betw...
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How customer data is accelerating success for CDP-using OEMs and auto dealers. Advertisers are no strangers to the pressure of privacy regulation and the significant updates major partners are m...
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In the last two years, Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) are increasingly a hot topic in enterprise C-suites and in the top leadership ranks of corporate marketing departments. Enterprise leaders are ...
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Today’s consumers have evolved the shopping experience far beyond products and transactions. Now more than ever, their loyalty to retailers is up for grabs. Marketers seeking to break through the n...
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When global beverage giant AB InBev first started its digital transformation, the company’s goals were threefold: manage and administer its worldwide data assets securely and in compliance with all...
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