Financial leaders are always looking for areas to cut costs, so they can improve the bottom line.
Often, the choices are tough and the problems complicated to fix. But sometimes, inefficiencies
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Expense fraud is a topic that can be as business critical as sensitive. Incorrect expense reports – with many happening due to error-prone processes and simple human error – have been an endemic
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The large shift to remote/hybrid work impacted payment channels. Employee spend became a more business-critical source for expenses that were traditionally centrally purchased. Legacy systems
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Il mondo digitale si sta trasformando in tempi rapidi e il futuro appartiene ai leader che mettono i team e le attività nelle condizioni di funzionare al meglio in qualsiasi luogo. Gli ambienti di ...
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ESG ha condotto una survey online in doppio cieco su 2.000 responsabili delle decisioni IT esperti di una vasta gamma di caratteristiche dell'ambiente IT delle organizzazioni, compresa la tecnologi...
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Levied by more than 160 countries, Value Added Tax (VAT) is one of the most common forms of taxation in the world. VAT is applied at every step of the manufacturing and supply chain – and collected...
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Decisioni aziendali e commerciali portano a utilizzare cloud diversi. Benché molte aziende abbiano annunciato un approccio cloud-first e definito obiettivi di migrazione delle applicazioni, non tut...
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La distribuzione dei tuoi servizi IT è a prova di futuro?
Le strategie per le applicazioni e per il cloud sono strettamente collegate e le organizzazioni IT che mirano a migliorare la velocità e...
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Is your IT service delivery future ready?
Application and cloud strategies are inextricably linked, and IT organizations looking to improve speed and resilience are laser focused on modernizing ...
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ESG conducted a double-blind, online survey of 2,000 IT decision makers knowledgeable about a broad range of IT environment characteristics at their organizations, including end-user device technol...
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