By all accounts, Internet of Things (IoT) devices are forecasted to become ubiquitous. These devices, powered by semiconductors, will make every imaginable process smart. From simply turning on a l...
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Designers face several engineering and non-engineering challenges when it comes to developing high-performance electronic solutions. Successful development requires technical finesse, significant d...
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Digital transformation, the process of applying innovative digital strategies to improve operations and create new services, imposes a variety of challenges on organizations. Accordingly, the IT pl...
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Il luogo in cui avviene fisicamente il lavoro o l'apprendimento non definisce più l'esperienza utente. Alimentati da un interesse per le esperienze e le capacità digitali, siamo ormai in un mondo i...
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Where work or learning physically happens no longer defines the user experience. Fueled by an appetite for digital experiences and capabilities, we’ve clearly entered a “do anything from anywhere”...
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With the evolution of microservices and containers in recent years, the way we design, develop, and run software has changed significantly. Today’s applications are optimized for scalability, elast...
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Decisioni aziendali e commerciali portano a utilizzare cloud diversi. Benché molte aziende abbiano annunciato un approccio cloud-first e definito obiettivi di migrazione delle applicazioni, non tut...
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Business and commercial decisions drive the consumption of different clouds. Although many enterprises have announced a cloud-first approach and set application migration targets, not all communica...
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La distribuzione dei tuoi servizi IT è a prova di futuro?
Le strategie per le applicazioni e per il cloud sono strettamente collegate e le organizzazioni IT che mirano a migliorare la velocità e...
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"Die Fähigkeit von Unternehmen, ihren Kunden ein großartiges digitales Einkaufserlebnis zu bieten, wird den Unterschied zwischen Unternehmen die florieren, und solchen, die ums Überleben kämpfen mü...
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