Senza dati e applicazioni le organizzazioni moderne non possono raggiungere i loro obiettivi.
Poiché si tratta di risorse essenziali, le organizzazioni impegnano un numero significativo di risor...
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Before starting a cloud migration project, it is critical to understand the strategies and tools available to you, which will depend on your organization’s goals, timelines, service level agreement...
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La convergenza degli ambienti di tecnologia operativa (OT) con le soluzioni di tecnologia dell’informazione (IT) di livello enterprise sta creando molte capacità rivoluzionarie a livello di industr...
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Industries that utilize operational technology (OT) are under pressure to maintain the highest levels of uptime, availability, and safety. This includes critical infrastructure (e.g., hydroelectric...
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The convergence of operational technology (OT) environments with enterprise-grade information technology (IT) solutions is offering many breakthrough capabilities across industrial businesses, manu...
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Digital transformation is an expedition of discovery.
When Lewis and Clark set out to explore the Western United States, they were entering uncharted territory — literally creating their own map...
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Le modalità di fruizione di prodotti e servizi stanno cambiando rapidamente, determinando un enorme spostamento da un modello basato sulla proprietà della tecnologia a un modello che prevede il pag...
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In the digital era, a skilled and effective workforce is essential and the technology to support them is equally vital. It’s the task of technology decision makers to provide every worker with an e...
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Le medie imprese rivestono un ruolo di fondamentale importanza per l'economia mondiale, tuttavia la loro grande varietà implica che sono notoriamente difficili da capire.
Ai fini di questo White...
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Medium-sized businesses are critical to the global economy, but their sheer variety means they are notoriously hard to understand.
For this White Paper, Dell Technologies and Intel asked IDG to ...
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