Moving from legacy to cloud infrastructure is a huge win for business, but the process requires a fundamental shift in organizational culture and business processes, both inside and outside IT. In ...
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In the modern-day workplace, it’s become more and more common for the lines to blur between what apps and tools are appropriate for business versus those that are best left at home. Any IT pro k...
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La gestione del ciclo di vita dei PC tradizionale è un processo inefficiente e costoso che richiede al business tempo e denaro. Il PC-as-a-Service (PCaaS) di Dell EMC trasforma l’approccio dell’az...
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In der Geschäftswelt wird zunehmend deutlicher, dass zwischen Unternehmenszentralen und Tochtergesellschaften einerseits mehr Austausch und Integration stattfinden muss, andererseits auch jede Orga...
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Durch die neuen digitalen Technologien haben sich die Anforderungen an ERP-Systeme in den letzten Jahren grundlegend gewandelt. Zudem bestehen für die Verwendung von ERP-Lösungen für Tochterunterne...
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Today’s IT leaders don’t have the time nor the resources to effectively respond to the needs of their ever-demanding workforce. It’s time for CIOs to stop running the IT department and start transf...
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This paper describes various capabilities of wideband IF digitizers with built-in FPGA chips in the context of RF signal streaming. Topics include wideband signal streaming, variable burst signal r...
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As more enterprises undergo digital transformation to the 3rd Platform of computing – comprising cloud, mobility, big data/analytics, and social business – the manner in which desktop operating sys...
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Il reparto IT ha il compito di ottimizzare il ciclo di vita dei PC mentre promuove svolte strategiche per la propria organizzazione. IDC, agenzia di intelligence del mercato IT, ha condotto uno ...
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Great Customer Experiences Start with Great Data. Regular customer experience solutions just segment and stereotype their customers and perform in a sort of action-reaction, request response man...
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