These days, business moves at one speed - fast. Businesses are keeping up and preparing for future growth in changing market conditions by modernising, finding more efficient ways to work, and auto...
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Benchmarking can be an invaluable process for helping your company improve your performance and prepare your organisation to be ready for whatever comes in the future. But only when it’s done corre...
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These days, business moves at one speed – fast. Businesses are preparing for future growth in changing market conditions by modernizing, finding more efficient ways to work, and automating wherever...
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Traditionally, CFOs focused on the numbers and their success was primarily based on whether they achieved their company’s revenue growth goals. However, today, the role of the CFO has evolved fa...
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Finance leaders have a unique role to play in helping their organisations navigate a fluid business environment. Thanks to their exposure to the inner workings of every facet of the business, they ...
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Your first 90 days as finance leader will be very busy. You’ll gather and analyse information from all aspects of the business - including people, processes, finances, and industry norms. Use th...
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Searching for invoices, chasing approvals, coding invoices and correcting data takes up valuable time. When manual or workaround processes are the norm, it’s virtually impossible for employees to s...
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Le minacce e gli attacchi informatici stanno diventando sempre più nefasti e diffusi e, soprattutto, se ne prevede un aumento. Nel 2020, Cybersecurity Ventures ha previsto una crescita dei costi gl...
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Los líderes empresariales y de TI actuales buscan superar retos sin precedentes. Acelerar con el crecimiento de los datos. Optimizar los recursos presupuestarios y de personal. Proteger y asegurar ...
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Il bordo si riferisce al luogo (o ai luoghi) in cui vengono generati i dati. In una fabbrica, potrebbe essere la linea di produzione. Nella vendita al dettaglio, il punto di acquisto. Nell'agricolt...
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