Cyberthreats and attacks are becoming more nefarious and widespread, and they’re predicted to accelerate. In 2020, Cybersecurity Ventures predicted global cybercrime costs would grow by 15% per yea...
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De geschiedenis is bezaaid met overgangsmomenten die de manier waarop we leven, werken en ons gedragen veranderden. In de afgelopen decennia hebben de introductie van persoonlijke technologie en he...
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De optimale balans tussen prestaties en energie-efficiëntie vormt de sleutel tot de beste prestaties van uw hardware. Doordat u de instellingen voor thermisch beheer van uw pc zelf kunt aanpassen, ...
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De relatie tussen het fysieke kantoor en medewerkers heeft een groot omslagpunt bereikt. De opkomst van hybride werken en op afstand werken heeft de relatie tussen medewerkers en kantoren op zijn k...
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The fast-paced needs of modern application development and delivery have pushed some companies to subscribe to public cloud-based solutions such as Amazon Web Services (AWS). It can be frustrating ...
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The vendor landscape for security awareness training (SAT) is as diverse as it is innovative. This market has changed significantly over the past several years as CISOs and security leaders now...
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In today’s fast-paced business landscape, organizations must be agile and flexible to meet the evolving needs of their customers. However, many still rely on legacy applications that may not be sui...
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Is your organization multicloud by design ... or by accident? The rise of the digital business has placed IT operations right at the spearhead of revenue opportunity, which has increased pressure o...
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A business’s ability to succeed in capturing new opportunities depends directly on how efficiently and effectively it leverages its data and technology to improve operations and customer engagement...
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To establish a competitive advantage, organizations further their digital transformation by embracing cloud capabilities and redesigning their IT environments to meet diverse needs. As a result, ma...
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