Assigning the appropriate level of due diligence for a company’s third parties requires assessing risks objectively and systematically. In order to build a credible and practical risk model, compan...
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Finance leaders already manage financial risk, cash flow, strategic investment and compliance. So, their role is fundamentally about balancing risk with opportunities to increase performance. But h...
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Running an internal audit department today isn’t easy. Regulations and business requirements are constantly evolving. Responsibilities are expanding, with senior leadership increasingly asking for ...
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For today’s internal audit teams, the audits themselves are only one part of a growing scope of responsibilities. Executives rely on auditors for a comprehensive understanding of potential risk exp...
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In addition to their cyclical audits of specific financial and operational areas, today’s internal audit function is expected to be heavily involved in the assessment of the risk management functio...
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Over the last few years, we’ve seen accelerated changes in the way people work. Organizations and users are creating more sensitive data and information than ever before. And much of this data is n...
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As part of the Making hybrid work human programme, Economist Impact, sponsored by Google Workspace, conducted a global survey in September-October 2021 of over 1,200 knowledge workers in twelve cou...
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At the start of the pandemic, a massive 88% of organizations suddenly shifted to working from home. While some organizations have made the transition to remote and hybrid work without too much disr...
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As organizations seek to refine how they will operate in more fluid and flexible hybrid work models, many are doubling down on their use of intelligent digital collaboration platforms. These tools ...
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Since early 2020, businesses have been struggling to forecast when, or if, office life can return to “normal.” Reality check: it’s increasingly clear that such a complete reversal is unlikely an...
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